Lavender is a aromatic evergreen perennial plant native to the Mediterranean. The composition of the active ingredients of lavender varies greatly depending on the origin of the plant. … read more
Lavender from Croatia: history and application

souvenirs from Croatia: lavender, olive oil, wines of Croatia…
Lavender is a aromatic evergreen perennial plant native to the Mediterranean. The composition of the active ingredients of lavender varies greatly depending on the origin of the plant. … read more
White truffle of Istria is an internationally recognized delicacy and an integral part of gourmet cuisine.
Truffle is strong-smelling underground fungus that resembles an irregular, rough-skinned potato, growing chiefly in broadleaved woodland on calcareous soils. It is one of the rarest delicacies in the world. You guessed it right, Istria is also famous for truffles of the highest quality and especially white truffles. … read more
Paški sir / Pashki cheese is the hard sheep milk cheese, with the olive oil added to it. The name of the cheese comes from the name of the island Pag – where it is made.
Pashki cheese is known as “The King of the Croatian cheeses” – it has become famous far away from Croatia. This cheese is the multifold international competitions and the exhibitions prize-winner.