Hum — the smallest town in the world — is located on Istrian peninsula of Croatia.
Distance to Pula 80 km
The town of Hum is in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest town in the world.
There are only 17 people living in the town of Hum of Croatia.
There are 20 buildings in the two stone-paved streets of Hum.

Despite its small size, Hum has all the usual town services — the central square, a post office, two temples, the town cemetery, a shop of hand-made souvenirs made by Istrian masters, a shop of local wines, the town museum.
The guests can visit the traditional konoba restaurant of Hum, where you will be offered to try a local 38% tincture of herbs made by a more than 2000 years old recipe — Humska Biska.
In some guest houses there are apartments for rent.
On Town Day the people of Hum choose the town administrator. The election day traditionally ends with a celebration with dancing and music performances lasting until midnight.
The legend of how Hum came to be says that it was a joke of the local giants: after constructing the towns in the valley of the Mirna river they had a few spare stones, which they used to build the Hum fortress.
Hum — a castle town — is located at the height of 349 m on top of a hill. The town of Hum was founded in the 11th century, when the Hum castle was built on the place of the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement. Then, the first houses appeared around.
The town of Hum was built and developed only inside the castle walls, never spreading beyond them. Up to the 17th century, in historical documents, Hum is referred to as a “castrum”, which means “a fortress”.
There are several landmarks in the town of Hum — St Jenonim church (built in the 12th century), in the church, there are excellently preserved frescoes dated the second half of the 12th century; the clock tower erected in 1552 and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, built in 1802.
You can get to the town of Hum by car.
The most interesting way to Hum goes from the town of Roc, which is 5 km away from Hum, along the road there stand stone monuments, each of which represents one letter of the Glagolitic alphabet, this road is rightly called “Glagolitic road”.
You can get into the town through a single gate, built in 1562 and later upgraded by modern metal workers.
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the smallest town of the world :)
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